Sunday, November 14, 2010

Where I Am Is...

I've been thinking a lot lately about transformations in life -- particularly transformations in my life. The question I've been asking myself a lot lately has to do with living the best life possible. Specifically, am I living the best life I possibly could? It's both a tough and easy question to answer. The answer is right in front of us --- and maybe that's what makes it seem so impossible.

My life has changed a lot lately. Same great wife, same amazing kid, but something altogether new. The big change for me can be summed up in one word: attitude.

Yep, that's it.
Just my attitude.

I have spent a lot of time being a pretty negative person. My negativity has made me untruthful, angry, and self-centered. My attitude has kept me from God for much of my life.

Oh I've done church. I've always done church. I was raised in the church, learned to play music in the church, and have led in the church ---- but it turns out that you can be a disconnected and negative person -- and can fit right in - in the church.

Being "in" the church doesn't mean you are "in" with God. (I'm not talking about salvation --- just relationship.)

I can't tell you how many times I have prayed that God would help me to change. I've had people pray with me, anoint me, talk with me, forgive me, give me second (third & thirtieth) chances --- and still was playing at it.
For some reason I wasn't ready to change.

I was trying to tell God that I was somewhere other than where I truly was.
I was probably trying to tell myself the same thing...

So the big attitude change for me is a result of me not wanting to fool God anymore. I don't want to convince God of anything (a ridiculous idea in the first place). I want Him to convince me of a ton.

Where I am, is just where I need to be.
It is not the scenery or the situations that make us closer or farther from God --- it is attitude.
Come, just as You are. 
Hear the Spirit's call.
Come just as You are.
Come and see, come receive.
Come and live forever. 
Life everlasting.
Strength for today. 
Taste the living water's and never thirst again.