Tuesday, January 26, 2016


Do you ever find yourself in a situation and say that phrase. It Is Well?  I hope you say yes, but I rarely say that.  There not many situations that I can for certain say that It Is Well.  Too often my life is loaded with stuff - not all good either. Stuff accumulates.  Stuff happens, am I right?  Too often I don't take time to say It Is Well and to slow down and breathe.  Be at peace.
I love the hymn It Is Well with My Soul.  Why? The words penned so long ago are words we still need to hear and be reminded of today.
Horatio Spafford led a tragic life- by the world's standards. Early in his professional career his business suffered a terrible fire (which he and his family never recovered from). But at least he had his wonderful wife, Anna, and his four beautiful daughters. His business ventures later took him to Europe. There was a change in plans and he had to send his family on before him.  While crossing the Atlantic, the ship sank.  Spafford received a telegram from his wife - "Saved alone!"
WOW!  What a horrible experience and pain that he must have gone through.  He then traveled to meet his wife.  While passing over the area where the boat sank he felt compelled to pen the words of It Is Well With My Soul.
I am not sure I have this much faith.  He truly put his faith in God and decided to look to Him. My favorite stanza in this hymn is the first.  The third line of this stanza reminds us that whatever comes our way, we should look to God and be ready to serve and say, It Is Well.

When peace, like a river, attendeth my way,
When sorrows like sea billows roll;
Whatever my lot, Thou hast taught me to say,
It is well, it is well with my soul.

It's a hard day for many, me included.  However, I can still say It Is Well. I am loved. You are loved and be assured that it truly is a mindset to say It Is Well.  I am learning little by little to take time out for me and God, to cultivate that relationship. 
I mentioned in an earlier post about walking. Well, that's my time to commune - to be quiet and just be!  It's awesome.  During this time I pray, thank God for my life and those in it, and listen.  To listen is the hard part.  You sometimes hear what you don't want too, even if you know what you are hearing is best for you. It doesn't make it any easier.
So I am encouraging me and you to stop, listen, pray, and say It Is Well and this too is a part of life.  Whatever we go through, we don't go through alone but God is leading, we just need to listen.

Peace to you this day.

Here is a beautiful arrangement of It Is Well

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