Monday, February 1, 2016


Love lifted me.  Do you remember this hymn?  I do.  I used to love when we would sing this hymn in church.  I remember as a little child thinking it was a fun hymn to sing.  I loved the meter, the bounce it had, and I loved the chorus.  However, it wasn't until yesterday, honestly, that I really thought about these words. 

I was sinking deep in sin, far from the peaceful shore.
Very deeply stained within, sinking to rise no more.
But the Master of the sea, heard my despairing cry,
From the waters lifted me, now safe and I.

As you know I have started a new routine in my daily living.  So far I have lost twelve pounds.  By following my cousin's instructions, I feel better and I am starting to look better.  Well, there's nothing I can do about my face, but I am losing weight! This is all great progress.
However, my attitude did not shift until this weekend.  Adam, my cousin, didn't start off as a spiritual help, but that is what he has become.  You see, I was so focused on losing weight that I neglected to see that I am a person of worth.  I thought losing weight and being healthy was all I needed to make me happy.  While in fact, I was still so burdened with sorrow and self pity that  life seemed unmanageable.  I was looking for validation and happiness in so many other places that I forgot to look right around me.
Adam and so many others are people that I care about and that care about me.  I have an awesome family, extended as well as immediate.  God has blessed me. This weekend I needed a swift kick in the ass!  I was in my own world of self pity that I forgot about those that were close to me.  You see, I was convinced that the people around me only were around me out of pity or because they wanted something from me.  That was not true at all. 
Adam was there for the kick, and a hard one I might add.  You showed me (through time together and talks) that I am of worth. He told me that I am responsible for my happiness, not others.  This may seem a simple concept, but really, it's a hard lesson.
2 Timothy 1: 7 says "God gave us a spirit, not of fear but of power and love and self control." Wow!  Have you ever thought about these words?  Just like the hymn, I thought about these words yesterday.  Living in pity does nothing to help your spirit, the spirit we have been given - given freely.  I so want to be loved and I am.  My cousin is a great encourager.  We all need an encourager and we have one.  God's power through His son, Jesus, gives us the power to decide to be happy and gives us love to be able to love others and gives us self control to discern what is right, wrong, and just
I am on a journey.  It's a long one.  It's one with lots of tears and struggles.  However, I now know that I am not walking alone but with people and God.  Knowing they are walking with me, makes my path less burdened and makes the journey less labored.


When nothing else could help, LOVE LIFTED ME! Amen!

**This is Adam's blog.  He is an excellent writer.  His latest post included me.  Please take a look and see what an encourager he is!**



1 comment:

  1. As always, it's a pleasure to be of assistance! Thanks for the mention! Here is a link to my post you were referring to:
