Tuesday, February 9, 2016

I wrote this back in 2010.  I was remembering this week about my life - times gone by- and this really stuck out to me and I wanted to share it with you all again! 

Be blessed!

What is it that makes us worship?  Is it the need to give love in response to how loved we feel? Vice versa? Do we worship because that's what we do in our culture? Nice, good people go to church, and serve on committees - and so you do too? I Chronicles 16 states in verse 29a,  "Ascribe to the Lord the glory due His name." Do you notice the usage of the words? "Due" means what he already deserves; it is what He is worthy of and nothing less.

I am very guilty of coming to worship with a sour taste in my mouth.  I have often "done" church - instead of "lived" it. But worship is not a concert or a performance. I strongly dislike when choir or praise band members refer to our work as a "performance." I understand the idea - but our offering is no different that that of committee leaders, ushers, or Sunday School teachers. We are all using our gifts as offerings to God. When we are doing what we do for the glory of God - the attitude should be that of gratitude, respect, and joy. We worship because we are commanded to.  God has given us so much and yet we return little.  There is a hymn called "Because I Have Been Given Much." The first stanza says: "Because I have been given much I too must give.  Because of Thy great bounty Lord, each day I Live. I shall divide my gifts from Thee with every brother (sister) that I see who has the need of help from me." What beautiful and humbling words. I want to be that help to someone. I want my worship to be the help someone needs -- and my music is simply the vehicle that helps them to see my heart. I want my life to be someone's help - not because I am great or my words/talent are great, but because my attitude and actions reflect the greatness of God.

I am a guy on a journey. A journey to somewhere great. I hope you are too. We worship each week because we are on that journey to find and know better the heart and mind of Christ. Let your life give much back to God, your family, friends, and others that you see.  Here are the rest of the words to that great hymn: 

Because I have been sheltered, fed by Thy good care
I cannot see anothers lack and I not share.
My glowing fire, my loaf of bread-my roof's safe shelter over head,
that he too may be comforted.

Because I have been blessed by thy great love dear Lord,
I'll share Thy love again according to Thy word.
I shall give love to those in need, I'll show that love by word and deed,
thus shall my thanks be thanks indeed.

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