Monday, February 29, 2016

Can I Get a Witness?

“The same sun which melts wax hardens clay. And the same Gospel which melts some persons to repentance hardens others in their sins”Spurgeon

Yesterday was Sunday.  And, like most Sundays, I was in church.  But yesterday was different.  The entire day had the same theme - suffering and faith. Church was wonderful, the hymns, the choir, the prayers all related to our theme of suffering.  Our Bible study in the evening was related to faith and so the subject turned to faith and suffering.  It made me pause and think about my life.

I venture to say that we(in the USA) have ever really suffered. Yes, there is death, divorce, broken arms, etc., but have we really every suffered.  No.  We don't go long times without eating (unless you're on the crazy way of eating my cousin has me on.  I am not doing well, but this week we start again.  Another post for another time) or being persecuted for our religious beliefs or lack there of.

You see each week, almost everyday, I get to go to church and serve. I get to plan worship that is hopefully pleasing to God and helps other know Him better. But again, I have never suffered for doing this each week.  But this week I was called to do something different.  You see I grew up in church.  I know LOTS of hymns and praise songs.  I can even play a sweet piano for revival. But, I have never been tasked with the responsibility of witnessing to a person who does not believe in God and telling them why they should believe.

I was lost and I stepped in all by myself.  You may remember my cousin, Adam.  You know the one I wrote about several posts back. Yes, the one who is a great encourager, friend, and someone that is a great raveling companion. That's him. Well, he posted on a social media site a disturbing poster that shocked me.  Now, before we go on, these are just my own opinions and feeling and I am in no way disparaging my cousin or those who believe the way he does.  And, yes, I did ask his permission about writing this.

The poster referred to Biblical Ingredients.  There is no need to go in to detail about what was on it but the ingredients list was not that of how the Bible was a truthful story and one that helps.  So, like any nosy in your face cousin would do, I messaged him and asked him why he posted this.  I KNEW this was joke and he did not believe this, right? WRONG! But, in my humble BUT accurate opinion, I knew he was wrong. Or is he?

That evening when I returned to the house, he and I had a great conversation. Man, he is smart and frankly I am not sure that I am the one that needs to be on the battlefield for my Lord (that is a great revival song, look it up).

I started our conversation by simply asking, "tell me how you came to this conclusion." I never want to be rude or pejorative to him or any other person.  But, I did want to know how he arrived at his decision.   Now Adam and his family grew up going to church.  In fact, Aunt Mickie (his grandmother) was a saint and scolded us if we didn't go to church.  Adam's mom took them for a while to a Pentecostal church.  Now, growing up in Georgia, we did not raise our hands, clap, wave flags, and we certainly DID NOT play tambourines in worship! But enough about that.  I just tell you this because Adam, like many others, have been raised in church.

I hope you aren't reading this thinking that I don't like my cousin.  That is simply not the case.  The way he feels about God doesn't change my love and friendship for him.  In fact, in the midst of our conversation I told him that it saddened me to think that when we die I would not see him again or any other person I cared for if he believed that when we die we just return to a "space". I said I know I'm cheesy and he said "yes you are but go on."

Well, it is sad to me.  But the sadder part to me is how inadequate that I feel and felt about this conversation.  Why am I called?  Why are you called?

So back to suffering and faith.  My faith has been tested this week.  I, in a VERY small way,  suffered because I did not know how to serve Christ in this conversation and I wondered if I had failed Him? Did I do my best to be a friend to my cousin?  Will I be asked one day to give an account only to hear the Master say "why did you not try hard enough?" I am not sure.
But, what I am sure about is that we are called to love.  So that's what I'll do - love and hopefully through loving and keeping faith, not only will my friendship with Adam grow stronger but I can somehow show him there is hope in Christ. 

Let me reiterate, I love my cousin and because we disagree doesn't change the good he has done for me and how much I appreciate him. 

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